O O papel de plantas silvestres e cultivadas do México na síntese de NP

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Maleni N. Hernández-Díaz
Nina Torres-Valencia
Mariana Miranda-Arámbula
Ada M. Ríos-Cortés
Fabián Fernández-Luqueño
Valentín López-Gayou
Fernando López-Valdez


The successful use of nanoparticles (NPs) in various sectors has increased interest and demand to synthesize, explore and study them. The synthesis of NP (as well as its derivatives, reductions, functionalizations, or conjugations), its properties and applications have been analyzed from modern approaches, through various advanced techniques, for multiple applications. The objective of this paper is to highlight the importance of plants as a source of metabolites and extracts, used as origin and means of NP synthesis. Likewise, green synthesis is highlighted as an environmentally friendly method to take advantage of the wide range of possibilities represented by the natural reservoir of Mexican plants and its various applications and properties to be explored in the field of nanobiotechnology.

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Como Citar
Hernández-Díaz, M. N., Torres-Valencia, N., Miranda-Arámbula, M., Ríos-Cortés, A. M., Fernández-Luqueño, F., López-Gayou, V., & López-Valdez, F. (2023). O O papel de plantas silvestres e cultivadas do México na síntese de NP. Mundo Nano. Revista Interdisciplinaria En Nanociencias Y Nanotecnología, 17(32), 1e-17e. https://doi.org/10.22201/ceiich.24485691e.2024.32.69743
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